Thursday, August 31, 2006

Lightest of The Darkest Corner (free write)

Wars revealed threw shadowed eyes
I know the pain, I feel the hate
Eyes of darkness, face of deception
Fists of power, will of steal
Life of mine wickedly lived
Deeds done, darkness known
Love given nothing wanted back
Been loved foolishly declined
Regretful past, haunting memories
Death littered a cross thy life
Seen the devils face of death
Bodies dead forgotten to lie in the ground
Tasted truths sickly vile
Spoke lies like wildfire
My mind knows its darkest corner
Evil spots those wings of my fallen
Spoke with the forked tong punished to the max
Half devil, half fallen
Wicked is my name
Nightmares are my game
Dreams are were my shadows are
Be wary for I am there
Waiting for you to fall into my hell
Of nightmares

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Life’s Open Breath

The morning dew glows on the velvet grass like diamonds,
Stripes of golden rays splash a cross the open fields,
Sweets scents touch the earth,
With the laughter of the wind whisking gently bye,
Tickling a lone tree's emerald leaves
Creations hands playing along the brilliant sky.
Things coming to be as the first dawn of life takes that first breath,
For the beginning has come at last as the wild grows to beauty,
Never seen to the eyes of the wicked,
Purity is what we wish,
To be washed away by golden rays of life.
The beginning is at hand

Written by Raven