Monday, March 05, 2007

Silence of the Night

Beyond the world of men the night is ever lasting. Were the moon is the sun and the nights are long, the earth thrives in this tranquility of darkness. Clouds of shining silver against the blanket of night darken the earth as the heavenly clouds of thunder roll by.
Sounds of the night carried softly bye upon the wind makes the melody that plays across the valleys and mountains. Howls of the wolves and the shrieks of owls along with all the other beast of night live in this time of nirvana when most find things dead and silent. The ear of the old mind and soul find the night peaceful and yet so alive with the nights comforting sway of time. Scents of the wild and open sky clear the clouds of mind to set its shackles aside to play along with the imagination. When all is still and all is right the night is yours, for darkness is not a fiend to fear. It is the home of mind that lets the soul be free. For non can judge you, nor see the deeds that one might do. For the night is friendly and when not shamed or feared can protect those who respect the earths darkest hour of time. Stars of life, stars of death and these things of old these things of new. The night is old and the earth is young. The night is home for those who stare upon the night’s heavenly beauty and find peace of mind.