Monday, March 05, 2007

Silence of the Night

Beyond the world of men the night is ever lasting. Were the moon is the sun and the nights are long, the earth thrives in this tranquility of darkness. Clouds of shining silver against the blanket of night darken the earth as the heavenly clouds of thunder roll by.
Sounds of the night carried softly bye upon the wind makes the melody that plays across the valleys and mountains. Howls of the wolves and the shrieks of owls along with all the other beast of night live in this time of nirvana when most find things dead and silent. The ear of the old mind and soul find the night peaceful and yet so alive with the nights comforting sway of time. Scents of the wild and open sky clear the clouds of mind to set its shackles aside to play along with the imagination. When all is still and all is right the night is yours, for darkness is not a fiend to fear. It is the home of mind that lets the soul be free. For non can judge you, nor see the deeds that one might do. For the night is friendly and when not shamed or feared can protect those who respect the earths darkest hour of time. Stars of life, stars of death and these things of old these things of new. The night is old and the earth is young. The night is home for those who stare upon the night’s heavenly beauty and find peace of mind.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Good vs. Evil (prompt #6)

The minds of the human race create a balance of things good and evil. But what IS good and evil or evil and good? Can the meaning of good be evil and the meaning of evil be good? Were does the line of this human interpretation of evil and good lie. Say there is a man that is a murderer. The people he murdered are murderers themselves; is that an act of good or evil? I believe that all things are good and evil.

You can do the right thing for the wrong reasons.
Raven Shad-Stone

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Darkness (free write)

What is there in the dark?
A deadly breath of soundless life,
The eyes of bloody death of self.

What is there in the dark?
Demon’s fiery hell of slime,
For all time thou souls be damned.

What is there in the dark?
Black abyss vials the eyes of sight,
Nightmares darker than thee night itself.

What is there in the dark?
Sorrows flight of endless screams,
Fill thy mind of silence.

What is there in the dark?
All be hidden within,
For there be nothing there, thyself say nothing.

So said I Raven of Shadows

But I Wanted To Watch The Eyes Melt!!! (free write)

“Abigail, why are we in a foul mood today?” asked a shadowed figure standing by the now open door of a dark and depressing room.
“Ha, ha aren't we all in a good mood?” says a girl standing with her head bowed, her long black hair covering the demonic look in her eyes as she stabs absently at a voodoo doll. “That’s gotta suck ass,” the girl giggles madly referring to the victim of the voodoo who was rolling around on the ground screaming in pain. The figure sighed walking up behind the girl and taking the voodoo doll away from her, ending the damned victim’s life, ripping its head off. The girl’s shoulders dropped in disappointment as the thing once called a living being twitched in its death. Looking up from the now lifeless body with its head torn off giggling softly.
“Why does that get on you nerves? That ‘thing’ had a good four hours left in it of torture?” the girl now pouted, “I didn’t even get to the hot irons. I haven’t seen eyes of a human melt in a long time. It would have been fun to watch him scream,” she said as she gave a look of innocence (as we can tell she has none).
“Well if you haven’t noticed, the guests have started to arrive and by the state your in your not ready yet,” said the figure looking at the girls blood stained gown chuckling under its breath. The girl looking down at herself scrunching up her face realizing the now dried blood, just stated an “oh” as she went back to lighting the dead body on fire with oil getting ready to leave the room.
“And to think that your parents thought you were a blessed angel fallen to the earth to save humanity,”
Giggles manically the girl sneered at the figure “screw the angel shit you damn well know that’s quiet the opposite of what I am,” the girl said walking to the side of the figure. “now I think that our guests have waited almost long enough for our arrival, but first I need to change out of this, well, mess I’ve made,” said the girl with a twisted smile shining on her face as she and the figure strutted out of the room in all their dark glory.

Monday, September 04, 2006

blah, Blah, Blah

"From where I stand I see nothing promising about you, so why must you bug me with your petty thoughts and sad past that is so apparently clear I do not wish to waste my time hearing your blabber. So what if your life sucks, so does mine, but do you see me bow my head in shame and sorrow. No i hold my head high and look at the people who cause me pain in the eye, never wavering on my feet even in the company of allies. You shout out to the world 'look at me I have problems,' Hah! I'll laugh in your face when people begin to see the masks you all wear to hide things you yourself have hidden from your minds. If you do not like these words of mine all i have to say is...I am what I am, nothing more, nothing less."

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Lightest of The Darkest Corner (free write)

Wars revealed threw shadowed eyes
I know the pain, I feel the hate
Eyes of darkness, face of deception
Fists of power, will of steal
Life of mine wickedly lived
Deeds done, darkness known
Love given nothing wanted back
Been loved foolishly declined
Regretful past, haunting memories
Death littered a cross thy life
Seen the devils face of death
Bodies dead forgotten to lie in the ground
Tasted truths sickly vile
Spoke lies like wildfire
My mind knows its darkest corner
Evil spots those wings of my fallen
Spoke with the forked tong punished to the max
Half devil, half fallen
Wicked is my name
Nightmares are my game
Dreams are were my shadows are
Be wary for I am there
Waiting for you to fall into my hell
Of nightmares

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Life’s Open Breath

The morning dew glows on the velvet grass like diamonds,
Stripes of golden rays splash a cross the open fields,
Sweets scents touch the earth,
With the laughter of the wind whisking gently bye,
Tickling a lone tree's emerald leaves
Creations hands playing along the brilliant sky.
Things coming to be as the first dawn of life takes that first breath,
For the beginning has come at last as the wild grows to beauty,
Never seen to the eyes of the wicked,
Purity is what we wish,
To be washed away by golden rays of life.
The beginning is at hand

Written by Raven