Thursday, September 07, 2006

But I Wanted To Watch The Eyes Melt!!! (free write)

“Abigail, why are we in a foul mood today?” asked a shadowed figure standing by the now open door of a dark and depressing room.
“Ha, ha aren't we all in a good mood?” says a girl standing with her head bowed, her long black hair covering the demonic look in her eyes as she stabs absently at a voodoo doll. “That’s gotta suck ass,” the girl giggles madly referring to the victim of the voodoo who was rolling around on the ground screaming in pain. The figure sighed walking up behind the girl and taking the voodoo doll away from her, ending the damned victim’s life, ripping its head off. The girl’s shoulders dropped in disappointment as the thing once called a living being twitched in its death. Looking up from the now lifeless body with its head torn off giggling softly.
“Why does that get on you nerves? That ‘thing’ had a good four hours left in it of torture?” the girl now pouted, “I didn’t even get to the hot irons. I haven’t seen eyes of a human melt in a long time. It would have been fun to watch him scream,” she said as she gave a look of innocence (as we can tell she has none).
“Well if you haven’t noticed, the guests have started to arrive and by the state your in your not ready yet,” said the figure looking at the girls blood stained gown chuckling under its breath. The girl looking down at herself scrunching up her face realizing the now dried blood, just stated an “oh” as she went back to lighting the dead body on fire with oil getting ready to leave the room.
“And to think that your parents thought you were a blessed angel fallen to the earth to save humanity,”
Giggles manically the girl sneered at the figure “screw the angel shit you damn well know that’s quiet the opposite of what I am,” the girl said walking to the side of the figure. “now I think that our guests have waited almost long enough for our arrival, but first I need to change out of this, well, mess I’ve made,” said the girl with a twisted smile shining on her face as she and the figure strutted out of the room in all their dark glory.